Who should outsource?
With advances in information technology and communications, the world is getting smaller, and businesses are becoming more competitive. Everybody from small entrepreneurs to large businesses with varied interests and business processes should leverage on technology in order to give their company a competitive advantage. This can be done by outsourcing business processes outside their core competencies.


Why should I outsource?
Because you don't have the time to do it yourself.
You've got a product to develop and you've got to get it into the market before your competitor does.

Your business is growing exponentially but your resources can't cope with the growth.

Because you'd rather focus on mission-critical issues.
You're not interested in frittering away time and energy on non-core functions.

In today's globalized and networked economy, outsourcing has never been so easy or made so much business sense. The question is not "Why outsource?" but rather, "Why not?"

When should I outsource?
When you're losing focus on your core business because you're too busy handling operations.
When you're facing a time, money and human resource crunch.
When you have a mission-critical project that needs all your time and energy.

Where should I outsource?

Try Chief Drafting!
We are about 12 hours time zone ahead of North America which makes our customers virtually a 24 hour production centre. While the customers go back from work, the day begins in China and the work gets done by the time customer comes back to office the next day.


How do you ensure security of data?

We follow strict protocols to ensure confidentiality and security of data and details sent to us by our clients.


What is your turnaround time?
The turnaround time is based on the scale and complexity of each project. Deadlines can be negotiated and established if necessary.